Embracing Biophilic Design: How to Plan Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Events

Post by 
Karen Ashwin
August 21, 2024

Embracing Biophilic Design: How to Plan Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Events


In today’s world, hosting events isn’t just about creating memorable experiences—it’s about doing so sustainably. The concept of biophilic design is at the forefront of this movement, seamlessly blending natural elements into event spaces to boost both sustainability and attendee well-being. Choosing the right venue is essential, with a preference for locations boasting LEED certification, eco-friendly infrastructure, abundant natural light, and outdoor spaces. Beyond the venue, incorporating green walls, indoor plants, and soothing water features can transform any event into a serene and eco-conscious gathering. This blog delves into why sustainability in event planning is more important than ever, explores the principles of biophilic design, and provides actionable tips for organising eco-friendly events that benefit both the planet and your participants.

The Importance of Sustainability in Event Planning

The urgency of climate change has compelled the event management industry to rethink its practices. Sustainable event planning isn’t just a trend; it’s a necessary shift that reduces carbon footprints, demonstrates corporate social responsibility, and attracts eco-conscious attendees. By prioritising sustainability, event planners contribute to a healthier planet and set a positive example for other industries to follow.

Understanding Biophilic Design

Biophilic design reconnects people with nature by incorporating natural elements into built environments. This approach enhances attendee well-being, creativity, and productivity by mimicking natural settings. Key principles include natural lighting, green spaces, natural materials, and water features, which can be seamlessly integrated into event planning. Through thoughtful venue selection and the incorporation of biophilic elements, event planners can create sustainable and enriching event experiences.

Innovative Practices for Eco-Friendly Events:

Venue Selection for Sustainable Events

How to Choose Sustainable Venues:

  1. LEED Certification or Eco-Friendly Infrastructure:
    • Understanding LEED Certification: LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is a globally recognised certification that signifies a building's sustainability and energy efficiency. It is awarded by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) based on criteria such as energy use, water efficiency, CO2 emissions reduction, and improved indoor environmental quality.
    • Researching Venues: Start by compiling a list of potential venues and check their certification status. Look for venues with LEED certification or those that adhere to similar eco-friendly standards. Venues often display their certifications on their websites or marketing materials.
    • Assessing Infrastructure: If a venue is not LEED-certified, assess its infrastructure for eco-friendly features. These can include energy-efficient lighting, solar panels, sustainable building materials, water-saving fixtures, and waste management programs.
  2. Ample Natural Light and Outdoor Spaces:
    • Maximising Natural Light:
      • Benefits: Utilising natural light reduces the need for artificial lighting, cutting down on electricity usage and creating a more pleasant, inviting atmosphere for attendees.
      • How to Implement: During site visits, observe the venue's lighting. Choose spaces with large windows, skylights, or open designs that allow for plenty of natural daylight. Discuss with the venue managers how the space can be arranged to maximise daylight use.
    • Incorporating Outdoor Spaces:
      • Benefits: Outdoor spaces provide a natural setting that reduces the need for air conditioning, as well as offering a refreshing environment for attendees. Being in nature can enhance mood, increase creativity, and reduce stress.
      • How to Implement: Look for venues with accessible gardens, patios, rooftop terraces, or open fields. Plan parts of the event, such as breakout sessions, meals, or networking opportunities, in these outdoor areas. Ensure there are adequate facilities like seating, shade structures, and weather contingencies.

Why Venue Selection Matters:

  1. Environmental Impact:
    • Reduced Carbon Footprint: Venues with sustainable infrastructure use less energy and water, generate less waste, and have a smaller carbon footprint compared to conventional venues. This directly contributes to reducing the overall environmental impact of the event.
    • Resource Conservation: Eco-friendly venues often incorporate renewable energy sources, efficient waste management systems, and sustainable materials, which conserve natural resources and minimise pollution.
  2. Health and Well-Being:
    • Improved Indoor Air Quality: Venues that follow eco-friendly practices typically have better indoor air quality, which is beneficial for attendees' health. This can result in fewer allergens, less exposure to harmful chemicals, and an overall healthier environment.
    • Enhanced Attendee Experience: Natural light and outdoor spaces create a more engaging and comfortable environment for attendees. Exposure to natural elements has been shown to improve mood, increase productivity, and enhance overall well-being.
  3. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR):
    • Positive Brand Image: Choosing a sustainable venue aligns with corporate social responsibility goals and demonstrates a commitment to environmental stewardship. This can enhance the organisation's reputation and appeal to eco-conscious clients and attendees.
    • Stakeholder Engagement: By prioritising sustainability in venue selection, organisations can engage stakeholders who value environmental responsibility. This can lead to stronger relationships with partners, sponsors, and participants who share similar values.
  4. Cost Savings:
    • Energy Efficiency: Sustainable venues often have lower operating costs due to their energy-efficient designs and systems. These savings can be passed on to event organisers in the form of lower rental fees or reduced utility costs.
    • Waste Reduction: Implementing sustainable practices can also lead to cost savings through waste reduction and recycling programs, which can decrease disposal costs and the need for purchasing disposable items.

Biophilic Design Elements

How to Incorporate Biophilic Design Elements:

  1. Green Walls, Indoor Plants, and Rooftop Gardens:
    • Green Walls:
      • Definition: Also known as living walls or vertical gardens, green walls are structures covered with vegetation. They can be installed indoors or outdoors and are designed to support plant growth vertically.
      • Implementation: Partner with specialists to design and install green walls in key areas such as lobbies, conference rooms, or breakout spaces. Ensure the selection of low-maintenance plants suited for indoor environments.
    • Indoor Plants:
      • Benefits: Indoor plants improve air quality by filtering pollutants and releasing oxygen. They also add aesthetic appeal and create a relaxing atmosphere.
      • Implementation: Strategically place plants throughout the event space, focusing on high-traffic areas and places where attendees spend significant time. Use a variety of plants to add visual interest and texture.
    • Rooftop Gardens:
      • Definition: Rooftop gardens are green spaces created on the rooftops of buildings. They provide a natural setting and can help regulate building temperatures.
      • Implementation: Choose venues with existing rooftop gardens or collaborate with venues to develop temporary rooftop gardens for the event. Use these spaces for networking sessions, break areas, or informal meetings.
  2. Natural Materials for Decor and Furniture:
    • Benefits: Natural materials like wood, stone, and bamboo create a warm and inviting environment. They are often more sustainable than synthetic materials, contributing to eco-friendly event planning.
    • Implementation: Use wooden tables and chairs, stone centerpieces, and bamboo decorations. Avoid synthetic and non-recyclable materials, opting for items that can be reused or repurposed after the event.
  3. Water Features:
    • Benefits: Water features such as fountains or aquariums add a sense of tranquility and enhance the connection to nature. The sound of running water can reduce stress and promote relaxation.
    • Implementation: Incorporate small fountains in lounge areas or reception spaces. If the venue has an existing water feature, design event layouts to highlight this natural element. For indoor events, consider using aquariums as focal points.

Why Incorporating Biophilic Design Elements Matters:

  1. Enhanced Air Quality:
    • Improved Health: Plants and green walls improve air quality by absorbing pollutants and releasing oxygen. This creates a healthier environment for attendees, reducing the risk of respiratory issues and allergies.
    • Increased Comfort: Better air quality leads to increased comfort and well-being, allowing attendees to focus and engage more effectively during the event.
  2. Calming Atmosphere:
    • Stress Reduction: Natural elements like plants and water features have been shown to reduce stress and anxiety. A calm and relaxing atmosphere enhances the overall experience for attendees.
    • Increased Productivity: A calming environment can boost creativity and productivity, leading to more meaningful interactions and outcomes during the event.
  3. Aesthetic Appeal:
    • Visual Impact: Biophilic design elements add beauty and elegance to event spaces. They create visually appealing environments that can enhance the event’s overall theme and ambiance.
    • Memorable Experience: Unique and attractive settings make events more memorable, leaving a lasting impression on attendees and increasing the likelihood of positive feedback and future attendance.
  4. Sustainability:
    • Eco-Friendly Choices: Using natural materials and plants supports sustainable event planning. These choices reduce reliance on synthetic materials and promote environmental stewardship.
    • Resource Conservation: Natural materials are often more sustainable, requiring fewer resources to produce and less energy to maintain. This contributes to the overall sustainability of the event.
  5. Connection to Nature:
    • Biophilia: Biophilic design is based on the concept of biophilia, which suggests that humans have an innate connection to nature. Incorporating natural elements fosters this connection, enhancing attendees’ well-being and satisfaction.
    • Positive Perception: Events that incorporate biophilic design elements are often perceived as more innovative and forward-thinking. This positive perception can enhance the reputation of the event organizers and attract eco-conscious participants.

Additional Practices for Eco-Friendly Events:

  1. Sustainable Catering:
    • Source local, organic, and seasonal ingredients to reduce the carbon footprint of food transportation.
    • Minimise food waste by accurately planning portion sizes and donating leftovers to local charities.
    • Use biodegradable or reusable utensils, plates, and cups instead of single-use plastics.
  2. Eco-Friendly Transportation:
    • Encourage public transportation, cycling, or carpooling to reduce emissions from attendee travel.
    • Provide electric vehicle charging stations at the venue.
    • Offer virtual attendance options to reduce the need for long-distance travel.
  3. Waste Management:
    • Implement a robust recycling and composting program at the event.
    • Reduce paper usage with digital tickets, schedules, and promotional materials.
    • Provide clearly marked waste disposal stations for proper waste segregation.

Tips for Organising Eco-Friendly Events:

  • Collaborate with Green Suppliers:
    • How: Partner with suppliers and vendors who prioritise sustainability in their products and services. Look for those with certifications or proven eco-friendly practices.
    • Why: This ensures that every aspect of your event, from catering to decorations, aligns with your sustainability goals, reducing the overall environmental footprint.
  • Educate Attendees:
    • How: Inform participants about the sustainable practices being implemented and provide tips on how they can contribute, such as recycling or reducing waste.
    • Why: Encouraging active participation in sustainability efforts increases awareness and fosters a collective sense of responsibility towards environmental stewardship.
  • Monitor and Evaluate:
    • How: Track the environmental impact of your event through metrics like waste generated, energy consumed, and emissions produced. Use surveys and feedback forms to gather insights from attendees.
    • Why: Monitoring helps identify areas for improvement and measure the effectiveness of your sustainability initiatives, enabling you to make data-driven decisions for future events.
  • Offset Carbon Emissions:
    • How: Invest in carbon offset programmes to neutralise the event’s carbon footprint. Calculate the total emissions from travel, energy use, and other activities, and purchase offsets accordingly.
    • Why: Offsetting emissions helps mitigate the environmental impact of unavoidable carbon production, supporting projects that reduce greenhouse gases and promote sustainability globally.


Combining biophilic design with sustainable event planning creates an eco-friendly environment that benefits both the planet and attendees. By integrating natural elements like green walls, indoor plants, and water features, and selecting venues with eco-friendly infrastructure, event managers can significantly reduce environmental impact while enhancing the attendee experience. Embracing these practices not only demonstrates a commitment to sustainability but also sets a standard for innovation and responsibility in the industry. As we move towards a greener future, adopting nature-inspired designs and eco-conscious strategies will be essential for crafting memorable, impactful, and environmentally responsible events that inspire others to follow suit. By prioritizing sustainability, event planners can lead the way in creating a healthier planet and a brighter future for generations to come.

FAQs for Organising Eco-Friendly Events:

  1. What is an eco-friendly event?
    • An eco-friendly event is designed to minimise its environmental impact through sustainable practices such as reducing waste, conserving energy, and using eco-friendly materials and venues.
  2. Why is it important to choose a venue with LEED certification or eco-friendly infrastructure?
    • LEED-certified venues and those with eco-friendly infrastructure are built to high environmental standards, reducing energy consumption, water use, and waste, which helps lower the event’s overall carbon footprint.
  3. How can biophilic design elements improve the attendee experience?
    • Biophilic design elements, such as green walls, indoor plants, and natural materials, create a calming and visually appealing environment that can reduce stress, improve air quality, and enhance overall well-being.
  4. What are some examples of green vendors?
    • Green vendors are suppliers who offer eco-friendly products and services. Examples include caterers using local, organic ingredients, companies providing biodegradable or reusable utensils, and decorators using sustainable materials.
  5. How can I educate attendees about the sustainable practices at my event?
    • You can educate attendees through pre-event communications, signage at the event, presentations, and interactive activities that highlight the sustainable practices being implemented and how they can participate.
  6. What metrics should I track to monitor the environmental impact of my event?
    • Key metrics include the amount of waste generated, energy consumption, water usage, carbon emissions from travel and transportation, and the use of sustainable materials and products.
  7. How do carbon offset programmes work?
    • Carbon offset programmes allow you to invest in projects that reduce or capture carbon emissions, such as reforestation or renewable energy projects, to compensate for the emissions produced by your event.
  8. What are some practical ways to reduce waste at an event?
    • Practical ways to reduce waste include using digital tickets and schedules, providing clearly marked recycling and composting bins, choosing reusable or biodegradable utensils and plates, and planning portion sizes to minimise food waste.
  9. Can outdoor events be more sustainable than indoor events?
    • Outdoor events can be more sustainable by utilising natural light and ventilation, reducing the need for artificial lighting and air conditioning. However, they still require careful planning to manage waste, energy use, and other environmental impacts.
  10. How can I ensure my event’s sustainability efforts are effective and well-received?
    • Ensure your sustainability efforts are effective by setting clear goals, tracking progress, and gathering feedback from attendees. Communicate the importance of these efforts and involve participants in the process to foster a sense of shared responsibility.

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